woman signing on white printer paper beside woman about to touch the documents
woman signing on white printer paper beside woman about to touch the documents


Advanced Legal Settlement lawyer (HK)

我們提供人身傷亡訴訟服務,法律和解,調解,無損權益書信,為您、您的家人或朋友提供協助,交通意外,僱員補償案。 personal injury, negotiation, settlement, without prejudice discussion service - Whatsapp +852 98482642

woman in gold dress holding sword figurine
woman in gold dress holding sword figurine
woman in dress holding sword figurine
woman in dress holding sword figurine

Personal injury / Settlement 人身傷亡訴訟 / 和解 / 調解 簡介 +852 98482642

我們已經成功地為客戶提供了工傷案的服務 交通意外索償服務 包括致命意外

assorted files
assorted files
個案研究+852 98482642


woman holding sword statue during daytime
woman holding sword statue during daytime


關於我們+852 98482642

本人是香港高等法院執業律師, 有多年經驗, 提供人身傷亡服務, 也有其他法律服務, ,致力於為客戶提供高品質的服務。歡迎查詢 +852 98482642

book lot on black wooden shelf
book lot on black wooden shelf